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The Lahr bus system, introduced in 1994, has more than proven its worth and has tripled passenger numbers since it was launched. The Lahr bus system ensures that the outlying districts also have an excellent connection to the city centre.
The Lahr bus system comprises the following lines:
You can find the latest timetables for each line here.
Useful contact details for questions and information about bus services in and around Lahr:
TGO timetable hotline, Tel.: +49 (0)781 / 805-96 43
SWEG, Verkehrsbetrieb Lahr, Rheinstrasse 10, 77933 Lahr, Tel.: +49 (0)7821 / 59 09-0
RVS SüdwestBus, Rammersweierstrasse 1, 77654 Offenburg, Tel.: +49 (0)781 / 93 54-0
Baden-Württemberg timetable information, Tel.: +49 (0)1805 / 77 99 66