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By participating in the 'Code 24' project as part of the EU Interreg IV NWE funding programme, the city of Lahr has established valuable contacts at both a national and international level, and commissioned a feasibility study to examine the potential of a planned multi-modal freight terminal for combined transport at the Lahr logistics centre.
The GVT ...
... is feasible, both financially and technically
... offers optimal connections; the location right on the motorway, the new section of railway, and the favourable location in Ortenau provide major advantages
... should offer the following functions due to the great growth potential:
... could make a significant contribution to climate protection by saving up to 200 million truck-kilometres and 150,000 tonnes of carbon monoxide annually
... could create added value of 45 million euro per year
... will increase transport efficiency for businesses and attractiveness of industrial and commercial sites at the Lahr logistics centre and in the entire Ortenau area
These results convinced the city to drive the project forward, and implement appropriate measures. Because of the project's great importance, not just for Lahr but for the entire Rhine-Alpine Corridor, there is already a broad support network at the European level.
To drive development of the Lahr projects, and that of the entire Rhine-Alpine Corridor together with other stakeholders along the corridor, the city of Lahr has, since 2015, been involved as a founding member in the European Groupings for Territorial
The city of Lahr has furthermore, together with four other partners from Germany, Italy and the Netherlands, successfully applied for inclusion of the 'European Rail Freight Line System' project in the 'Connecting Europe Facility' EU funding programme. The aim of this project, which started in 2015 and is expected to deliver results by the end of 2018, is to improve access to rail transport and the efficiency of freight traffic. This will be achieved through smart hubs, one of which is the planned freight terminal at Lahr logistics centre.