City map Welcome to the Lahr city map!

Get to where you want to be quickly: Select the street name (and house number where applicable) in the search field, and click on 'Search'. Alternatively, you can also search by plot of land or by land development plan.

Our city map also offers you lots of other information – from aerial views to land values and environmental matters.


  • For detailed assistance, click on the 'Help' button on the city map menu, which will take you to details about the individual information levels.


  • Despite the fact that we have taken utmost care in compiling the data, we cannot guarantee that these details are always up-to-date in all areas and therefore accept no liability. We always welcome your suggestions and comments, which you can email to


  • The online city map is designed to work with all modern Internet browsers. For the map to work smoothly, we recommend that you use Internet Explorer Version 10 or later, Firefox, Chrome or Safari. MS Edge is billed as the new Internet Explorer, and will also support our map. Please ensure that 'Java' and 'Javascript' are always activated in the settings.


  • Our city map has copyright protection, and unauthorised use may result in civil or criminal prosecution.